Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Newsday paywall yields 35 subscriptions

How many subscribers are now paying for Newsday, the Long Island Daily?

35--In three months!


Anonymous said...

do you think we'll get out of this time anytime soon?

Anonymous said...

why did AAPL pop?

Palmoni said...

$499 price start

scroll down a few pictures and you'll see

Palmoni said...

dissent on the Fed today--means we get outof things today

time to start taking some shots again

db said...

What's your take on Money Market Funds Suspending Redemptions ? funds now have the ability to suspend redemptions, courtesy of the SEC's just passed 4-1 vote.Plus the sec wants MM's to value fund daily ,which could possibly show a value of 99.97c ...why are they trying to rattle the markets ??

Palmoni said...

Too complicated for the average investor but prob why we had neg rates on T-bills again.

Time to start the party again

Anonymous said...

It appears housing is weakening slightly and feds want to keep the punch bowl out for an extended period of time. There is one dissent to show the Feds "is ready to fight inflation at the first sign" though we know that isn't true. As long as the job market sucks, we'll have negative real rates :P

My mom just came back from Costco and she was bitching at the price increases in cheese, beef and juices and I noticed my tooth paste tube was slightly smaller than before.... inflation here we come!

Palmoni said...

speaking of anecdoctal evidence--have you noticed the Girl Scout cookie shakedown everywhere this year?

I can't believe how many times I've gotten hit!

isn't that true tho-so much of the fed is just done for show!

Anonymous said...

girls scout is crazy...they need to meet a quota!!!!

Anonymous said...

"time to start taking some shots again" - long or short?

Anonymous said...

i think he meant long...Palmoni isn't really a short guy.

Palmoni said...

yeh I bought a bunch of calls today