You can read about it on page 8 of The Thunder Road Report below. Here's part of it, that has been touted on CCTV in China.
"China has introduced its first ever investment opportunity for silver bullion. The bars are available in 500g, 1kg, 2kg and 5kg with a purity of 99.9%. Figures show that gold was fifty times more expensive than silver in 2007, but now that figure has reached over seventy times. Analysts say that silver has been undervalued in recent years. They add that the metal is the right investment for individual investors and could be a good way to cash in"
What appears to have happened in China is a total relaxation of strictures on holding precious metals by the individual with the government pushing gold and silver as an investment option, seemingly at every opportunity. This is a far cry from the situation only a few years ago where the distribution of gold and silver was strictly controlled.
And if you don't like that Thunder Road, here's Springstreen's.
The screen door slams....
On those short!!
And I had to put that in, because a couple weeks back, I met my buddy from Jersey out in a bar, who is a friend of Springsteen, and he told me how he had just recently met a friend of his, that used to be a stockbroker over twenty years ago, that now is a builder of really wonderful homes in Tampa. After a couple brews, he told me that one day, the then broker, and now builder came moping up to him because he lost his girlfriend. My buddy told him, "Just go get her back."
He said, "I would but--She's dating Vinny Testerverde."
And my buddy, who always talks straight just had two words to say "You're f*cked!"
Which is probably pretty good advice for those still short this market!
And for those that didn't want to read or hear "Thunder Road" you can watch the precious metal tout here.
Hong Kong wants it's gold back from the London banks. This could be the reason gold is going up in price.
I mentioned that this morning
This what happens when you don't pay your spending tickets!
When people go to websites such as, they get the guidance they need regarding their decision to purchase silver as an investment.
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