But Ken's greatest salvation was his insider purchase of 200,000 shares of stock at $4.80 on February 4. At least he wasn't selling. And his buy demonstrates his confidence in the Merrill merger.
Now it only remains to be seen, if Ken tells a different tale than Secretary Paulson, who already had his own spin of revisionist history in the glossies last month.
So when is someone going to grill Bernanke so we can at least hear him tell the world, "I don't know" or "I don't remember." Is Alan Grayson the only one that can do that?
So in preparation of the investigation, here's some tidbits of Alberto Gonzalez's testimony before Congress that Ken should learn:
"I have searched my memory"
"I have no recollection of thgat meeting"
"I don't remember the contents of that meeting"

Four lines for Ken to remember and then he has a "get out of jail free" card!
About time someone tells it like it is, or is it?
Thats good that he is doing that but how does this benefit us or why is it important bank of america is evil they rob u of your money and lie about your fees..
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