Monday, February 1, 2010

Jets coach Rex Ryan has something for Miami fans at MMA in Sunrise

So where are the NFL refs on this one?

Ryan is already trying to deflect the heat by saying this: ""It was stupid and inappropriate. I wouldn't accept that type of behavior from one of the coaches or players and its unacceptable from me. I apologize to the Jets organization, the National Football League and NFL fans everywhere."

Remember Bud Adams flipping the bird?

He was fined $250,000.

We'll see if parity extends to the J-E-T-S!


Anonymous said...

Palmoni--last week Friday u said this on AMZN "I don't like it. I think it's a sell. You can't hit the other NAZ names and leave AMZN alone."

Today the stock is down to 118 from 128. What do you think now?

Palmoni said...

why bother with AMZN with all the uncertainity? The chart looks terrible, KINDLE buyers are a notoriously fickle bunch, and they're fighting with AAPL who still doesn't have a product--think sink cost for the Kindle.

I'd go in the industrial names --FLS was down Friday after they said numbers would be higher-look at it today.

The bear case on the market was just another scarejob, handjob to break 1086 and get every shill stopped out at that level.

Even POT is sticking today on a positive fertilizer story in theTelegraph--China buying potash at $350

Market is a silver platter here!

Anonymous said...

China buying potash at $350/tonne? Man I remember when Russia was selling that crap for $1,000/tonne. I miss the fertz bubble :\

Palmoni said...

I guess that is now the new floor. Bring back some bubbles!