"Noble Gorillas,
"Learned Orangutans,
"Wise Chimpanzees,
"O Apes!
"I, a man, beg leave to address you.
"I know my appearance is grotesque, my figures repulsive, my features bestial, my smell sickening, the color of my skin disgusting. I know the sight of this ridiculous body of mine offends you, but I also know I am addressing the wisest and most learned apes of all, those whose minds are capable of rising above mere sensory impressions and of perceiving the essential substance of being apart from his wretched material exterior..."
And so begins Chapter XXV of "Planet of the Apes."
It appears that in the courtroom, the adjective grotesque sells.
After all, isn't this what Colonel Jessep Nathan said in "A Few Good Men?"

Either way, he doesn't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.
But what people don't remember, is that the courtroom scene in the Planet of the Apes was developed courtesy of the Scopes Monkey Trial, with the second derivative of it here, on my Inherit the Wind post. On the day of that post, Bob Doll, was bearish and said we were heading to the low 800s; today on CNBC he was bullish, after the S&P is now comfortably above 1000.What changed his mind?
Higher prices!
Last week, we celebrated the 40th anniversary of Woodstock. And since the 40th anniversary of the Planet of the Apes, was never celebrated last year, I thought I would give it a belated boost.

Showing that grotesque sells even in health care.
Even if it's tongue in cheek and carried by Onion!
Congresswoman Says Botched Plastic Surgery Most Important Issue Facing U.S.
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