Oh my goodness!!!!
$26 a share!!!!
This number was shorted and shorted and the story was never believed by the shorts.
I got to hand it to them. The bears can stay delusional longer than anyone I know!
But I have to give the shortsellers credit for the pain they can take.
I can't do it.
If a short starts turning against me, I fold.
So how do you stay short, when you are wrong?
Probably the same way I'll ride a long down into the basement! Along with some other bulls.
But from 20 cents to a $26 bid?
That's what I call pain!! Can't believe it went down to .26 then get bought out for $26, oh the irony!
I know--I was in at 5 out at 8--but then, I don't drink coffee. You go to any corporate America kitchen, and they have those or the GMCR little brewing cups.
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