Whoa Nellie!!!!
Booked thirty more points on PCLN today, and banged the options around that I touted last week for a four bagger..and then some!! Why can't the shorts spot a bottom?
Maybe it's not in their blood. Heck--even President Bush could spot 'em.
How about the shortsellers? Why can't they?
How about this tout on AAPL calls?
(And for those that really like to gamble with a really cheap spec--look at the Nov 210s at .40. The 200s are 1.40)
Whoa Nellie!!! The Nov 210s traded at 1.79 and the 200s at 6.30. What's that---two more four baggers!!!
As advertised!!
What's a matter shorts? You didn't like that AAPL or RIMM bottom? Oh that's right---they were suppose dto rollover. How did that work??

That's I Corinthians 13. On her bottom.
The love chapter.
Just throwing some your way!
And how about the January AAPL calls touted? That was a double also--and plenty of time for more juice!
And how RIMM? At that bottom!
And how about this at the comment section?
I covered AXP and COF, went long AAPL calls, RIMM calls, WYNN calls and RIG calls.
Winners and four baggers everywhere!!
As advertised!!
Oh that's right--I did forget. Shortsellers can spot bottoms. As long as it looks like this.
Because pink is still pretty close to red.
And that's the color of their P&Ls!