Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sanford airport ops out of TSA screening

Sanford is a great little airport, just North of Orlanda in Florida where for nothing you can fly almost anywhere with Allegiant. I've used this airport many times.

And if you don't know Sanford --well that's the mudding truck capital of the world. You should see the dealerships!!

And it's also the place, where you can get an AK-47 thrown in, when you buy a truck!! Because my buyer "is definitely a gun owner!" Oh boy--I'm in that crowd!

No wimps need apply!

The backlash continues over those new TSA screening measures, and now one Central Florida airport has decided to go with a private security screening firm.

Orlando Sanford International Airport has decided to opt out from TSA screening.
"All of our due diligence shows it's the way to go," said Larry Dale, the director of the Sanford Airport Authority. "You're going to get better service at a better price and more accountability and better customer service."

Dale says he will be sending a letter requesting to opt out from TSA screening, and instead the airport will choose one of the five approved private screening companies to take over.
Congressman John Mica, who's expected to lead the powerful Transportation Committee next year, says the TSA is crying out for reform.

"I think TSA is overstepping its bounds," said Mica.
Dale says, if all goes as planned, the private security firm could take over in about 12 months.


SPN Headlines said...

Hi Palmoni!

The TSA's new Program to Examine Random Voyagers (PERV) attracted a lot of slimy characters to work for them - SHOCKING story at:

Peace! :-)

Anonymous said...

AK-47? WTF? Shouldn't they be giving away M-16s? What happened to "buy American"?

Anonymous said...

Another great example of our TSA being "stuck on stupid"... but not to worry, this fine organization will soon have their own union - which of course will only improve the situation.

It makes you wonder how much our health care will "improve" under Obamacare.
