Thursday, June 11, 2009

BAC breakout

It's a breakout, and now the momentum boys will buy it. Their excuse? Morgan Stanley's estimates of $2.54 for BAC for 2010.

Meredith Whitney, is at .20. Most of the rest on the street is .60-.90. BAC has already raised their capital; the billion dollar man, John Paulson, took 100 million shares at $10, and the shorts haven't covered, and the funds are underinvested. Anyone think some number bumps aren't coming for BAC? Isn't Wall Street "Monkey See, Monkey Do!"

Who is left to sell? Temasek? Who dumped it at $7. The long term holder?

The stock is so poised to move that I need to tout some options. Look at the July 14 calls at .62. I like that play!

And I've been touting BAC throughout the capital raise, but now it's time for momentum boys to get paid. After all, we heard yesterday afternoon from Joe Weisenthal, that the financials are dead! Whatever!

The last time I touted BAC calls you got triples within the week.

Did the capital raise keep BAC down? No. How about Tanzilla's indictment? No. How about Ken Lewis' grilling before Congress? No. How about "Gilligan" I mean Whitney Tilson, touting this as a short? A resounding No!

So where then, do you think this number is going?

How about higher!


Anonymous said...

Say Palmoni, I see July 14 calls at .63, but also at .18 under a different symbol. How does that work? If the price goes "in the money", wouldn't the cheaper option pay out more? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

No the cheap option is the one with the Merrill stub

Anonymous said...

look what happened! good news with the treasuries and yet the market reserved from the insane highs. huh. can not hold the 950 level even in the force of such good news? only Dodos are wildly bullish at this point. and the funny thing - they do not even know that they are the Dodos. love cheap laughs!

Palmoni said...

Good luck!

The Dodos today were the bears--trying to print the number on the charts so they could wildly gesticulate that we are getting ready to rollover with magical resistance!

It took a lot of firepower to try and make the market rollover.

Not going to happen!

Palmoni said...

Cramer touted BAC on Mad Money tonight. He said it was going to 20.

Anonymous said...

great call on BAC