Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Chrystal Cathedral goes into bankruptcy

GARDEN GROVE, Calif. – Crystal Cathedral, the megachurch birthplace of the televangelist show "Hour of Power," filed for bankruptcy Monday in Southern California after struggling to emerge from debt that exceeds $43 million.

In addition to a $36 million mortgage, the Orange County-based church owes $7.5 million to several hundred vendors for services ranging from advertising to the use of live animals in Easter and Christmas services.

Now instead of just these taglines--"If you can dream it, you can do it!"  "You can tap into the Power of God, anywhere and anytime!"--you can add "If you can bend over your banker, just do it!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"If you can dream it, you can do it!"
wait, so you think this is not true?