GDP grows 3.3% for the quarter.
Whoops! That wasn't supposed to happen!
AmBac goes up 41% today. Whoops! That wasn't supposed to happen. Isn't this number supposed to be insolvent?
MBIA goes up 35% today. Whoops! That wasn't supposed to happen. Isn't this number supposed to be insolvent?
Here's another whoops that the shorts wanted us to believe. That the GSE's would be recapitalized and the common shareholders would be wiped out.
Fannie and Freddie rallied 80 and 100% off their Friday lows. On Friday, there was huge buyer at Freddie at 2.50. It was pounded but the stock didn't move. The same with Fannie Mae at $4.40. He showed a bid for 100 shares and he took all that they sold. Now both of these stocks are heading to double digits, and all we hear is how they've had such a big rally. A big rally? It hasn't even started. MBI went from 4 to 8 in two months. It went from 8 to 16 in two weeks.
It's the same with the GSE's. The same folks who gave us white papers on why ABK and MBI would soon be bankrupt are the same people that said FRE and FNM were toast. So put yourself in the white shoes of these liars and manipulators with the silver tongues. When MBI and ABK have already moved 400% against you, what are you going to do with your shorts in FNM and FRE? You will cover.
And that's when the big move starts!
Here's another stock that is ready to move. Look for MGIC (MTG 7.97) to make a move to 12. This stock was held back by short sellers attempting to block it at 8. And the October 10 call options are only .55. You should be able to make 400% on your money with these in a week.
Maybe it's time for some of these shorts to listen to Britney.
"Whoops I did it again!"
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