Friday, August 1, 2008

Car leases

Chrysler says they are going to quit leases, and Ford and GMAC said they would cut back, and re-price leases as no one can blow out the cars at the residual value. BMW added to the fray, warning on profits and 2009, because of the cost of oil and raw material costs.

General Motors reported ugly earnings this morning, and looks to open down over a dollar. But it's ugly everywhere in automobile land.

So you can trade General Motors when they puke it up this morning, and sell it back when the shorts decide to cover.

Buy the headlines and the panic and then flip it!


car leasing said...

Most people like to lease for a term that coincides with the length of the manufacturer's warranty coverage so that if something goes wrong with the car, the repairs are always covered.

car said...

Most people like to lease for a term that coincides with the length of the manufacturer's warranty coverage so that if something goes wrong with the car, the repairs are always covered.