Quick--lets get a swab of DNA, and get a bear that's ferocious!!
We're dying!!
Even GOOG is ramping. Didn't the bears get Goldman's call on GOOG yesterday? I'll put it out here for you sorry folks that stayed short!
Google: We view now as an appropriate time cyclically to own Google, as 2Q2009 may mark a bottoming in yoy and qoq revenue growth rates and given an 18X 2010E EPS multiple, assuming no share loss to Bing.
As they say in the Internet:
FREE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!
The anonymous are licking their wounds.
Finally. I even had to get childish today. What a ramp!
LoL Palmoni, where are your dodo followers hiding? They must be having difficulty walking today..
Great calls all round, well done
Yes yes, another great call Palmoni. Go ahead and indulge yourself :)
X - i laugh at you once again. Great call! Of course last week you had your tail between your buttchicks yet you never had similar articles written about stupid bulls. Thank INTC, thats the only thing that saved you. And until we get above 950 donot even bring up the issue again. And yea like being X is not anonymous! Ok, count me as Y.
So the Y's are expecting a big summer selloff which will magically present them with an opportunity to buy every name 30% cheaper. Hmmm.
All right Y, present your bearish case. Is it anything more than the US consumer is dead, US govt is broke
Welcome back!
And since were playing alphabet, notice how the stock X is over 35?
Palmoni, this is a really naive question so forgive me for I am untrained: Since the banking system is based on fractional reserve lending and leverage, and since the Chinese have hundreds of billions of U.S. dollars surplus, does that not give the Chinese the ability to make huge amounts a credit available, credit that will eventually feed back into the West and give rise to a bullish environment (at least for a few years)? Thanks
Anonymous or Y!
I don't know sometimes which is which, but I took to heart the post of not coming up with a "puffin" chest, so I hope you caught the nuances with Dennis "the real deal" Kneale post. After all, wasn't Holyfield the real deal? And didn't he beat the big bad boy Tyson?
He like the bears, bit off more than he could chew!
And Tyson, of course, is a pigeon fancier, a relative of the "puffin chest!"
But in case you missed that, I put a post on "Andy's Chest" for the bears. By the Velvet Underground-not rope, I'd hate to give you enough to hang yourself with.
And regarding X, as if he's someone besides X?
I suppose the Internet breeds paranoia.
The next couple of days though, I'll admit to having some.
When I'm in the Colombia jungles!
I'll save it, for when I really need it!!!
Denominate some debt in renmimbi (yuan)and then we're talking!
The problem with that, is it a round about way to start with a "new" currency.
So instead, China stores their dollars into commodities..or so we are led to believe.
Y is here: thats right X is around 35. Well, i have sold puts on it and bought it back twice already durong last couple of days, every time it had a pop. And i sold puts again today. My point is not that your X call was wrong. Just be bit balanced on your own shit otherwise you are not far away from DK "the real deal". And please stop with the stupid images already, we are not in the kindergarten.
Y: i mean all those images that dino, vanilla ice or whatever else you are serching and finding on the internet.
Y is here again for X:
All right Y, present your bearish case. Is it anything more than the US consumer is dead, US govt is broke
almost choked on my coffee. Do you need more?
Would that make you the Kindergarten Cop?
Y if your bearish view is based only on that premise, then your view is a super consensus view and hardly a variant view. Cant invest on that premise.
your view is a super consensus view
is it? i think "we are out of recession, job losses accelerate towards end of recession" is the consensus. Is that all we hear from 99% of analysts on CNBC including magestic dk?
Would that make you the Kindergarten Cop?
it would because your pictures are from kindergarten
Well kindergarten was a good year!
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