From the 10K
As a result of these factors, during the fourth quarter of 2007 and continuing in 2008, we have experienced declines in the market value of our securities to levels at or below levels experienced in August 2007, and incurred additional margin calls as a result of the decline in our securities prices, an increase in certain margin requirements and a further decline in the value of our Hedging Instruments as a result of the continued decline in yields on Swap Agreements. All of these market value losses are unrealized and there has been no deterioration in the actual credit performance of our assets. In addition, the cost of financing in the Reverse Repurchase Agreement market increased during the fourth quarter of 2007, especially in December 2007, compared to prior periods as a result of both the increased spread between the LIBOR and Federal Funds rate and increased financing spreads over LIBOR required by our Reverse Repurchase Agreement lenders.
The stock (TMA) is trading down to 8.55 in the pre-market. It's worth a shot here. And in today's WSJ Secretary Paulson rejected the mortgage rescue plan:
In an interview yesterday, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson branded many of the aid proposals circulating in Washington as "bailouts" for reckless lenders, investors and speculators, rather than measures that would provide meaningful relief to deserving, but cash-strapped, mortgage borrowers.
Mr. Paulson's comments came amid signs that the nation's housing market is getting worse, not better. Indeed, at a House hearing yesterday, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke kept the door open to further interest-rate cuts to boost the economy, even as he warned that inflation pressures have intensified in recent weeks.
Nobody trusts anyone's paper!
For your sake, I really hope you didn't pick this one up at 8.5.... Soon to be worth 0 :-(
Picked it and flipped it. Luckily...
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